What is Mote? Help

Privacy on Mote.

Your privacy is important to us. We know everyone is saying that these days, but for us it’s the truth. The goal of this page is to help you understand what we do to protect your privacy and treat your personal information with respect.

We don’t sell information about you, and we don’t track you. As Mote continues to evolve, so will the practices we describe on this page. What remains constant is our values.

We didn’t write this page to cover our asses, we wrote it for you to read it. If there’s anything you want to know that isn’t covered, please email support@motestories.com.

Just visiting?

If you’re just visiting this website (that is, if you don’t have a Mote account), there’s not a lot of information on this page that will be relevant to you.


“Cookies” comprise a variety of web technologies that allow webpages to store information directly inside your web browser, and access it from other pages on the same site, even on another visit to the site. These technologies include HTTP cookies and web storage.

Mote uses cookies to allow you to sign in. If you don’t sign in to Mote, we do not use cookies on you. We don’t allow others to use cookies on you while you are on our site.

Your information

When you sign up and use Mote, you provide us with information that we store on your behalf. This includes your email address, the handle you choose to use, the friends you invited or have played with, the players you choose to ignore, and the content you create and store on Mote. We keep most of this information for the whole time you have an account with us, or until you change or delete it.

The primary reason we use this information is to allow you to access and use Mote and to communicate with you about your account. We also may use this information to prevent or detect fraud or abuse.

At your option, we also use your email address to send you broadcast updates and announcements about Mote. You can opt out of this communication at any time using the unsubscribe link in the email, or by contacting support@motestories.com.

Accessing your information

Curious what information we are storing about you? For the most part, it’s visible to you when you are signed in to Mote. Email support@motestories.com if you want more details, or if you would like us to delete your information.

Your content

The content of the stories you write on Mote are stored on your behalf so you may use it within Mote.

You can delete this content at any time through the application, or by contacting support@motestories.com. Content you request to be deleted via email will be deleted within 7 days. Content you delete through the application is typically deleted within minutes.

You can request a digital copy of your content at any time by contacting support@motestories.com. The copy will be provided to you within 7 days.

We do not access your content except at your specific request. We do not use your content to develop, train, or tune statistical models, LLMs, or “AI.”

Who we are

Mote is operated by Doug Valenta and John Zajac, partners in life who invented and created Mote together. If you have any concerns about your privacy, or believe we are not living up to what’s written on this page, please email support@motestories.com.